Your Spring Cleaning Guide

If you’re like me, your bedroom is usually a hot mess covered in clothes--half of which you haven’t worn in weeks--and your bed is never made. While I’ve changed my ways recently, my room was constantly like this, and it made my mind just as cluttered. So, if you find yourself in this boat, maybe some spring cleaning this month can change your ways.

Spring brings sun, flowers, green grass, warmer temperature, and new beginnings. I know how cliche that sounds, but seriously, it’s true. So start fresh: get rid of the old junk in your life that doesn’t serve you purpose anymore. There’s a few places you can do this: your home, your social life, and your mind.


Bedrooms, kitchens, living rooms, and bathrooms. These are the most important places for you to hit in your spring cleaning. Martha Stewart has a very detailed spring cleaning list on her website if you just look it up. Your house will be squeaky clean by the end of it--even your baseboards. 

But if you were to ask me, these are the little tips I’d give you:

  1. Take out the trash. All of it. That old sweater with armpit stains that is still sitting at the top of your closet? Throw it out. More things are trash than you realize.

  2. Reorganize. It’s easy to clutter a space--like your bedroom--when the furniture is in the same spot. Try mixing things up a bit.

  3. Deep clean. Bust out the Clorox, Lysol, vacuum, mop, and dusters. Even if you think a surface is clean, WIPE IT DOWN. You’ll probably gag at the sight of what’s hiding on top of your fan blades.

Social Life

We’ve all had some friends we knew weren’t good for us that we still decided to keep around. Or maybe you’re in a relationship that seems to be holding you back. Well, spring is the perfect time to let all of that go. Have a sitdown conversation, lay some boundaries, and don’t be afraid to say what you need to say. It may be a bit scary and nerve racking at first, but with time, you’ll find that some space was much needed and you’ll start growing into the person that you were meant to be a long time ago. Like I said: spring is for new beginnings. Start now!


While clutter can visually form in your house and your friendships, your mind is where it really sets in. The first step to clearing this out is by decluttering the first two things on my list--home and social life. Then, you’ll have more space to focus on what matters most: you. I’m not saying you have to start journaling or meditating every day, but start trying out different things until you find something that makes your mind and body feel better. Try out going to the gym a couple times a week or maybe start an easygoing blog (these are my personal favs). Spend time with friends that make you feel good and make sure you get rest in any form you can--sleeping, reading, watching TV in your bed. Connecting with yourself is a real thing, so try not only doing things that benefit you, but thinking things that benefit you. Don’t self-sabotage yourself. From personal experience, sometimes a routine that you set yourself is all you need to get your mind back into the swing of things.

Now that you’ve learned what spring cleaning is, find your own way to try it this March. And if you don’t get to it this month, there’s always the next one.


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