Voting: What was your experience?

photo by Leyla Dumke

photo by Leyla Dumke

Yesterday, both Justice Lifferth and Sofia Pena, 12, went to vote directly after school ended. At his polling place in the Royalton Township Firehouse, Justice experienced only a five minute wait to vote and described the experience as “easy.” 

“I thought it was pretty great,” he said upon reflection.

Sofia had a fifteen minute wait to vote, and was quite anxious about the process but still very excited. 

“My heart was beating really fast. It was almost like you were taking a test,” she said. Freshly turning eighteen on November 3rd, she described being “...most excited for my birthday to go in and vote.”

As Michigan sees an increase of young voters between the ages of 18 and 29, as reported by the Detroit Free Press, Sofia and Justice are only two of the many young voters participating in this election.


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