We’ve all heard it before— ”You are what you eat.” But how much of food is really your choice, in comparison to our government’s? Are big companies and social media influencers lying to us through their advertisements? Is our food lying to us? What about the school— is it doing enough to support the eating habits of our athletes? What do some of these habits even constitute? This month’s Bearing Down explores: Humans and Food.

“All these people say they know how [to diet] and the best way to do it when really it’s all personalized because everyone is different.”
— quote from Sam Simpson in article “Dissecting fad diets” by Lily Conybeare

New food shops bring St. Joe citizens an opportunity to buy local
news by caroline veine
According to a CDC study, only 1% of adults and 2% of children in the United States consume the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables each day. An easy solution would be to consider eating fresh and local foods. We are fortunate enough to live in a place where there is great access to these types of food…
Vegetarian: A look into why SJHS student Eliot Schlaak chooses to be vegetarian
feature by morgan covert
On average, Americans eat 106.9 pounds of meat each year, yet as time goes on, more and more people are becoming vegetarian, some even converting to veganism. What is this meat-free lifestyle like? Well, according to Eliot Schlaack, 11, he eats more varieties of food as a vegetarian than he did as a meat-eater…
The SJ athletic department needs to hire a nutritionist
opinion by norah judge
Athletes are generally viewed as healthier because of their consistent exercise, but where food is concerned, athletes are actually more likely to have unhealthy eating practices or eating disorders than non-athletes, according to a study done by the NCAA in 1999…
Your food is lying to you
feature by aeryn hart
The grocery store is stocked with fresh produce and lies. Find out what your favorite food is hiding from you. Read about food myths regarding calium in milk, Vitamin C in oranges, gum, soda, and more…
Dissecting fad diets
feature by lily conybeare
For generations, teenagers have fallen into the trap of fad dieting—from cigarettes to no-fat to keto. The way diets evolve raises questions to who decides what is “healthy,” and how these ever-changing “needs” affect those trying the diets...
Foreign food culture
feature by kiersten olson
Overseas, foreign grocery shopping habits tend to stray greatly from our own: small but frequent trips, prioritizing local sources, stricter ingredient laws, and smaller portion sizes make our European counterparts have a very different experience with food consumption and nutrition….