Cats & Dogs


“Cats and dogs have been human companions for thousands of years, but when it comes to cat and dog domestication, who came first?”

— from article— Cats, Dogs, and Humans by Ellie Fischer


Cats, Dogs, and Humans

The Therapeutic Nature of Our Furry Friends

Cats and dogs have been human companions for thousands of years, but when it comes to cat and dog domestication, who came first? In ancient Egypt, cats can be seen in writing, as statues, and even buried in tombs next to humans, and dogs can be traced back to the Inuit, helping them hunt, herd, and sled…

Animals can comfort many, whether they are therapy animals or not. No matter how long they think you've been gone, they’re always there for you when you come home. But what makes that connection so unique, and what are its benefits?…

Barks and Meows: How to Understand What Your Pet is Saying

Cats and Dogs–our furry friends who beg for treats, hop on the table, and keep us second guessing if we left food out on the counter. Heaven knows where we’d be without them and it makes one wonder how exactly we turned wild animals into the ideal snuggling companion. Well it all begins with language…


The Animals Of Cinema

While some might consider Heath Ledger and Marlon Brando to have some of the greatest performances in modern cinema, some of the most memorable might have four legs and a tail…