

Our Wind-Up staffers make playlists appealing to high school students— ranging from rap to alternative, we have a wide range of playlists to offer anyone’s music needs.

free perspective

Genre: alternative

About: playlist breakdown

Playlist creator: Lea Douglas


Beating Hearts

Genre: mix

Featured artists: John Lennon, Aretha Franklin, Taylor Swift

Playlist creator: Bella Alimenti


Blue Noise

Genre: alternative

Featured artists: the Cults, Mitski, Beach House

Playlist creator: Cassidy Watson



Genre: alternative

Featured Artists: Weezer, Neutral Milk Hotel, Slothrust

Playlist creator: Ben Williams


that one part in the movie

Genre: movie soundtracks?

Featured artists: Hans Zimmer, Ryan Gosling, Surfjan Stevens

Playlist creators: Bella Alimenti


zine 2023

Genre: alternative

Featured artists: Steve Lacy, The Internet, Daniel Caesar

Playlist creator: Dylan Conybeare