“Without our atmosphere Earth would be another giant floating rock (no offense to the other planets) and it’s the main reason living things can even exist to begin with…”
— from article— Air Quality: Our Atmospheric Health by Hugo Kapelke
Civilization and Destruction — the Curious Element of Fire That Changed The Course of Human History Forever
Effects of Sun Exposure
Thousands of years ago a bored titan atop Olympus named Prometheus modeled clay into small figures that would become known as humans. These defenseless creatures, lacking thought or sense, would gain the pity of their creator Prometheus. Stealing fire from Hephaestus's workshop, Prometheus brought this boundless element to his self-created beings, who soon used it to alter their world…
The birds are chirping, the shorts are out, and the flowers are blooming, which can only mean one thing: spring is here. But, there’s one defining factor that winter is out and spring is in– the sun is shining and defrosting our winter coats…
Air Quality: Our Atmospheric Health
Without our atmosphere Earth would be another giant, floating rock (no offense to the other planets) and it’s the main reason living things can even exist to begin with. Unfortunately, human’s have not reciprocated the love nearly as much: in fact, it’s quite the contrary.
The Power of the Lake
A few things might come to mind when you think of St. Joe. Tourist traps, a dainty little downtown area, and a flourishing Sunday farmer’s market might be some of the first things that pop into your head. But one aspect of our 7,745 person-town allows us to stand out from the rest— our very own slice of Lake Michigan.
Student Garden Spotlight
With a large fresh water source, quality soil, and a great climate, St. Joe is the perfect place for farming and gardening. We have several farms in our area--Stovers and Jollay Orchards to name a couple--and with the natural resources around us, many families also support their own home gardens. Here are a couple students at SJHS that take care of gardens at their own house..
Clouds: Nature’s Underappreciated Gems
Clouds have been revered for much of human history: inspiring myths and legends, being the basis for folk tales, and generally held with some level of mysticism. And if we strip away our scientific understanding of them, it makes a lot of sense — elaborate puffballs in the sky that come in many forms and can take any shape?..