Nostalgic Objects: Childhood Favorites To Send You Back In Time

2009: Staring at the Tv–starry eyed–the sweet melody of the Pillow Pet theme song turned on: “It’s a pillow, it’s a pet, it’s a pillow pet!” At one point in time, these took over our beds. Whether sad, mad, or happy, our ladybugs, unicorns, and bees would keep us company. After longs hours of playing with the pet part, you could pop open the clasp and lay down to take a nap. Literally the best invention ever. I wish it was socially acceptable to carry them around still. 

2011: The smell of chemical filled cookies and grainy cupcakes were peak. Easy Bake Ovens had a chokehold on many: something about making mini pretzels was so enticing. Though the end product never really tasted good, it was fun being able to make your own creation as a kid. And, the purple flower wrap on the oven and light purple color on the spatula was really a moment. 

2008: Sitting at your desk in elementary school, your friend shows you their new Silly Bandz. Having at least ten yourself, you ask to trade for the princess. Despite the low quality rubber, the designs made it all worth it. If you didn’t have your wrist completely covered in Silly Bandz, what were you doing? Clearly not slaying in elementary school. 

2015: Walking down the hall to the library, you clench the money your mom gave you for the book fair. You were supposed to get a book, yet you always had other things in mind: THE chocolate calculator or the phone eraser. The chocolate scented and decorated calculator was a true novelty; if you had that, you were cool--even if you didn’t fully understand how to use it. After purchasing the phone eraser, you definitely acted as if it were real. I know I did. Oh, you wanted me to learn what 3+8 is? Sorry, too busy texting my friends back. 

2014: Christmas morning, the big box under the tree awaited. Ripping the package open, it reveals a Hoverboard. The first day of using it consisted of figuring out how to ride it and not fall on your butt. Once you got it, though, you had it down. I have a distinct memory of going in circles around my house riding it. People then started using them outside and going faster and faster to the point their toes were hanging over the front. 

2012: Coming home from school, your mother says she has a surprise for you: a new freaking Lego set. You throw your backpack down and sit on your bedroom floor. Dumping all the tiny pieces, you grab the instructions. After an intense build, you grab your Lego action figures and begin playing with them. The best Lego sets were the ones that went along with the Tv show of course. 

What is your most nostalgic object? 

Bella- Stuffed Giraffe

Chris- Parents old MacBook

Bridget- The Wii


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