Local high school volunteer opportunities
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We usually look at the mass of our student section and the number of school colors students wear as a primary determinant of school spirit. But what people often forget is that helping out our school and community can be another way to create an environment that fosters school spirit. There are many options out there to help St. Joseph grow.
You might already know how the National Honor Society helps our school by tutoring kids. But there are alternative volunteer opportunities for students who are not in NHS.
“Interact Club and Key Club. Those two clubs are all about volunteer-ism and so they do a lot with connecting with the different people in our community,” Mrs. Tracy Wagner, SJHS guidance counselor, said.
Key Club and Interact Club are one of the many organizations that anyone in our school can join, but they’re unique in that they give their time only to volunteerism. As an added bonus, these clubs help promote the school.
“It helps the reputation of our school, helps the reputation of our programs, kids, and that relationship that you get to build with somebody outside of school. In general, the more connected we feel students and teachers... [that] makes school more fun and contributes to the school spirit,” Mrs.Wagner said.
Other opportunities that people are taking upon themselves to help our community out include school projects that students create for 21st Century Literature and Writing. Many kids are doing service projects for our community as part of the class.
Also, the SJHS football team has started some new traditions this year to help our area, such as helping with the Blossomtime Parade, going around delivering food for churches to give out, and going to elementary schools and reading books to the kids before every home game.
“Us volunteering out in the community [makes] the people in our school and in our community look at the football program in a different light than just on the football field, such as getting food for people and getting school supplies,” Lucas White, 11, said.
Beyond these volunteer opportunities, joining a club or starting your own project with a group of friends will help connect people in our school, creating more school spirit.