How Has Mazenblue Changed Over a Century
From 1921 to 2021, the SJHS yearbook evolved drastically in style guides, vocabulary, and diversity. The yearbook is an annual, elaborate publication of the school’s whole year.
Starting the 1921 yearbook is the staff editorial in lengthy, emotion-filled paragraphs. These editors started with the idea that if there are any imperfections within the yearbook, that they should be overlooked, as people have worked their hardest in producing a publication. The editorial explains the yearbook’s worth through a few sections.
The 1921 yearbook editors write a letter to their seniors.
Although plenty readers will bypass the lengthy article to skip to photos, there aren’t many throughout this century-year old yearbook anyway. After the soapy introduction of the yearbook follows senior portraits in black and white next to each senior’s signature and a piece of card stock with their name engraved on it
Along with the senior photos are a select few of sports photos, and lengthy explanations of the year the sport had. Included are stats of each game and minimal group photos. Each explanation contains the student’s achievements, struggles, and elaboration on bigger games.
The 100-year-old yearbook is now out of date compared to what Mazenblue producing now. Now, there are photos of each class, freshman through seniors, and it involves many photos of each sport in shorter captions. Along with this, there are photos of more clubs, academic activities, school dances, extracurriculars and more.
Our current yearbook includes colorful representations of each sport and expresses school spirit through many photos. Although back in 1921 colored yearbooks may not have been an easy option, the feeling is unmatched to what is being produced now.
The dated yearbook includes beginnings to sentences with bold, gothic lettering. As this is aesthetically pleasing to the eye, the lettering is spacious and takes up space that can include more photos. The lengthy articles on each sport and curricula are unnecessary as visual representations are imperative to show a yearbook’s story. Overall since then, the SJHS yearbook has made changes that include more photos and fewer articles, resulting in a more efficient, aesthetically pleasing look.