How much longer do we have left?

There is no doubt that human activity negatively affects the environment. The way we live our lives, what we produce and consume, and how we move around impacts the Earth. To save our planet, we need to be aware of our faults and try to reduce them as best we can. 

“You need to be aware of your impact on the environment; be aware of your actions. People wander through life not caring,” Mr. Dane Gallagher stated. 

The ozone layer is a thin band of gas that surrounds the Earth and protects us from the sun’s radiation. Without it, we would not be able to survive, and our Earth would become uninhabitable. According to Unite for Change, human activities have dramatically decreased the size of the ozone layer. The number of chlorofluorocarbons, hydrochlorofluorocarbons, and halons–all of which are pollutants–that are put into our atmosphere are a major factor in this problem, as these chemicals are in our everyday items: refrigerators, air conditioning, spray cans, etc. 

“We are stewards to the Earth so we should take care of it and look after it; we should control the things we can,” Mr. Gallagher said. 

Acid rain is the most visible and one of the well known effects of negative human impacts. It occurs when pollutants from power plants–or other factories–react with the atmosphere. It creates tiny particles in the air: ones that can cause respiratory problems and lung damage. It can also damage buildings: peeling the paint off and making them look worn down. 

A resource we need to survive, we are also destroying: water. This is caused by many different things; including, runoff from agricultural lands, discharges from factories and wastewater treatment plants, seepage from landfills, and plastic waste from fishing nets. These different types of water pollution can directly impact human health: worsening the quality of drinking water and spreading diseases. 

Additionally, we are polluting the air, and we are cutting down what cleans it. According to a study conducted by Kent State University, it is estimated that 18 million acres of trees are clear-cut every year to make space for homes and cities. This directly causes soil erosion, destroys animal habitats, and is increasing the amount of greenhouse gasses–heat trapping particles in our atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide and methane. 

“I believe we should go into nuclear power as much as we can. And, put as much money as we can into nuclear fusion for the future,” Mr. Gallagher explained, providing his solution to the ever-worsening issue. 

If we don’t fix the way we treat our planet, we won’t have a planet at all. A few ways to decrease the negative effects of man, presented by Mr. Gallagher, are: turn off the lights, limit water uses, try to car pool or bike, and whenever possible, pick up trash. 

“If we don’t do something, the Earth will shake us off like fleas,” Mr. Gallagher concluded. 


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