Manifestation: harness the power of the universe
Close your eyes. Breathe. If you could have three wishes, what would they be? Are any of them physically attainable? Well, maybe those wishes could come true, with a little bit of manifesting. Manifesting is the act of is putting something into your physical reality through thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.
Manifestation looks different for everybody. Through different life experiences and situations, we learn to want different things in life for ourselves. For Ms. Annie Tarasova, author of Manifest and A Journey Within, it was an entrance into a different world. In the Russian countryside, Tarasova would spend her childhood outside making magical potions with rose petals and dirt.
“That special time in my life really allowed me to connect with nature and my imagination,” said Ms. Tarasova.
This led her to later in life connect with her inner child, allowing Ms. Tarasova to connect with her mind and the world around us. Manifestation became an open door for her after high school when she started writing books. Tarasova opened up an Etsy shop to share her creativity with those around her. Since then she’s opened up her own online shop and social media under the handle @dreamy_moons. But how do you manifest? How does it work?
“When manifesting, get specific about what you want, journal about it, visualize what you desire coming to you. It might sound too easy, but there’s science behind all of this. When you know what you want, your subconscious mind works to find that.”
All of our lives are connected through the universe and through the power of the mind. Most manifestations are just coincidences that are too weird to be an actual coincidence. The more you think about or write or visualize or dream about something, you may be manifesting. There is no right or wrong way to manifest. Each is true to each individual. And no, manifesting doesn’t have to be “girly”. You don’t need a cute journal or to meditate in the forest. It can be as simple as closing your eyes at night and picturing yourself with what you want to manifest. No, chances are you can’t manifest winning the lottery, but if you’re looking for a new job and a week later a friend says their workplace is hiring, that isn’t coincidental—that’s manifestation.
“When you want a specific car model, you start seeing it everywhere. Not because there’s suddenly more cars of that model, but because you are subconsciously looking for it. That’s how manifestation works, through the power of the mind,” Ms. Tarasova says, “Random, odd, specific coincidences is power of the Universe.”
What would you manifest? Most SJ high schoolers said money—which is really no surprise—but what was a surprise was how many said world peace or to help their family. And even more surprising is how many knew about manifesting, and said that it worked for them.
Manifesting is for anyone with a goal and hope. Almost anything is possible and manifesting can at least put you on the right path.