Manipulate your subconscious mind


Lucid Dreaming

To lucid dream is to maintain consciousness while dreaming. 

In a lucid dream, one is aware they are in a dream and can often make the decisions of how the dream will proceed. This happens mostly during the REM (rapid eye movement) period of one’s sleep. Fifty percent of people have or will experience a lucid dream, often without intending to; however, there are some people who learn to coax themselves into a lucid dream, according to One such person is recent Lakeshore High School graduate, Nate Turner.

Nate Turner gained Tik Tok fame this year with his videos teaching people how to lucid dream. After learning about lucid dreaming in his psychology class, he began researching methods to do it himself.

Now, he frequently lucid dreams; After many personal experiences and experimenting on twenty people, he has come up with his own method. Nate recommends setting an alarm for about five and a half hours after one falls asleep, then setting alarms for every 30 minutes after the first one. According to his method, each time one wakes up, he or she should write down anything they remember from their dream and immediately try to fall asleep and reenter the dream. Eventually after practice, the person should have the ability to be aware he or she is dreaming and make decisions in the dream. 

Nate recently posted his method on his YouTube channel and is working on getting the method published in a lucid dreaming magazine.

There are benefits to lucid dreaming such as overcoming nightmares, easing anxiety, and developing motor skills for people with physical disabilities. Another reason people intentionally lucid dream is for entertainment purposes. Lucid dreaming isn’t all fun and games though. Lucid dreamers sometimes describe getting “stuck” in a dream. This concern isn’t dangerous according to Medical News Today because people only sleep for a set amount of time anyway; they would eventually leave the dream. 

According to Medical News Today, there’s no evidence to suggest people feel less rested due to the high brain activity during lucid dreaming. However, doctors recommend that if one has a pre-existing mental health problem, such as schizophrenia, they don’t attempt lucid dreaming.


Reality shifting

Reality shifting is the practice of using meditation and lucid dreaming to subconsciously shift into another universe.

This practice has little to no scientific research, however it is rooted in scientifically accepted practices. In order to reality shift, people often write out a script for the setting they’d like their dream to be in and the turn of events they’d like to experience. 

Reality shifting was popularized this summer on Tik Tok. Creators on the app claim they shift in order to be in universes such as Harry Potter or Avatar. 

Many people who say they reality shift learn how through methods they find on the app called Amino. Within Amino, there are “communities” people can join. One which has information about reality shifting is called, “Subliminal Users.”

There are many people in those communities who believe that when they shift they aren’t just shifting to a fictional reality in their mind, rather, they believe they’re shifting to a reality that exists. It’s just not the one they are normally in.

Astral Projecting

“Astral projection is an out of body experience during which the astral body leaves the physical body and travels to the astral plane,” according to 

This practice is based on the belief that there are seven planes of existence; the one we live on is the material plane. The astral plane is supposedly where our souls go on their journey to an afterlife, according to 

Astral projection theoretically happens when the body is asleep  or in a meditative state and the soul or mind can travel separately from it.

According to, in these out-of-body experiences people often find themselves hovering over their body or observing it from another vantage point. People often report this after a near-death experience. 

Astral Projection has been scientifically researched and has not been proven real. Although, it hasn’t been proven fake either. 


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