Changes to SJHS
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In 2014, SJHS got its first look at a renovation to their learning environment that took four years to complete. The improved building included a new library, student center, art room, and foods room that now contains six kitchens.
“$24 million of the $38 million bond went towards the high school. The rest of the money was spent on the middle and elementary schools,” said former principal Mr. Jeff Runser in an interview with WSBT.
When speaking in regards to being an administrator during the renovations, Mr. Runser said “It was a time of much educational change, creating the typical changes associated with any degree of change.”
“It was a time of much educational change, creating the typical changes associated with any degree of change.”
Although he was busy with typical things like staff reduction, teacher evaluations, along with adding a building renovation project on top of it all, he enjoyed every minute of it. When Mr. Runser looks back to the pre-renovation period, he thinks everything was done well.
Working around the renovation was not easy. It took a lot of patience and understanding since some teachers had to move around, such as Mrs. Becker, Mrs. Alaina Brady, and Mr. Matthew Culver.
“I used to be where the English hall is today, it took a lot to get through it over time,” Mrs. Brady said.
Back then, teachers didn’t have private offices at the end of their hallways. The integration of these spaces was something teachers had to take time to get used to. Change was interesting for many teachers because they had to adapt to a new environment and they had been around the building for so long. The school was renovated in “phases,” so once a phase was completed, it was opened as soon as possible and reactions from students were terrific.
“Probably the most impressive change came when we finished the massive student center and the hallway structure,” Mr. Runser said.
According to Mr. Runser, before the renovation, we weren’t together as a school. Every section of our school was individual. With the addition of the student center, the vibe around the building changed. Mr. Runser said that it was good to see students hanging out and having a good time before and after school. Also, adding the media center was an impressive addition for students to get caught up in their classes and as a place to study. Every parent and student that toured the high school was simply impressed.
To this day, multiple people enjoy stopping by our new and improved facility. Some people familiar with our renovation, and others not so much. They all have amazing pride for everything in our building, our school system, and the support from our community.