Trilogy counseling comes to SJHS
St Joseph High School has a new counseling service on campus. Trilogy Counseling—a local psychiatric care center—will be leasing space at the high school to open an on-campus location in the back of the attendance office. This team of trained professionals plans to work with students who need extra assistance with their mental health.
The purpose of the Trilogy office is to provide extra care for students with a wide range of issues. Dr. Carpenter, and her team of three therapists meet with student patients throughout the week at St Joseph High School.
by sky stockton
Dr. Ann Carpenter–head of Trilogy—believes that 20% of high school students are dealing with some form of a mental health concern. At our school 20% would be around 200 students. This astounding statistic is due to the more pressure on students while preparing for college. Other factors include more violence, specifically school shootings that cause higher anxiety for some students. Finally social media, students are over connected, although social media has many positive influences on culture, likes or followers can lower students self esteem.
Finding help can be difficult for students dealing with these issues. In St. Joe, professional counseling is hard to find, this is why Dr. Carpenter opened an on campus office for students.
“Students are so busy nowadays that having time to go see a therapist after school is rare, which is why I opened an office in the school. Patients are able to come in for their therapy session without it interrupting their busy day, we work with the school schedule to make appointments as convenient as possible for students.” Dr. Carpenter said.
“Students are so busy nowadays that having time to go see a therapist after school is rare, which is why I opened an office in the school.”
This is a professional service that is paid for by the patient's insurance. Although it is a paid appointment, the Trilogy team is willing to help those who are financially struggling. Their locations include their on campus office or their building located at 3408 Niles Rd.
Mental health is becoming more of an issue for high school students, counseling services such as Trilogy are a necessity for students that are in bad situations or a poor mental state. Instead of dealing with a mental illness alone, students can now talk to professionals who know how to guide them through the difficulties of life in a professional environment at convenient hours.