The Buildup is Better:
Why Spring is the Best Season
As spring creeps around the corner, we begin to see the hope and light that the warmer seasons bring. Even though winter can seem enticing at first, the snow quickly melts to mush with puddles of slush soaking our shoes. Even though fall can be beautiful, the colors fade away far too quickly. Most would say summer is the best season. But is it really?
One of the main factors you need to take into consideration when choosing your favorite season is the buildup. I’m sure many of you can agree that the weeks leading up to Christmas are almost more exciting than Christmas itself, as it’s over in the blink of an eye. Just as preparing for a later event can be more exciting. The anticipation and bliss you feel knowing something good is coming up always seems to predominate the actual day.
When tied to the seasons, you can consider spring as the buildup to summer. When April comes around, we begin to slowly see the weather improve and our moods increase alongside it. Although rain might be involved, who doesn’t love a good rainy day once in a while? With that being said, we grow happier and more hopeful for the coming months, knowing that soon we’ll be free from the stress and drama that comes with school.
Summer nights by the campfire and waking up at a normal time is upon us, and trust me, I know how amazing it is. But if you ask me what’s immensely better than that? The smell of crisp air and fresh flowers. Being able to walk outside without a coat. Starting a countdown to those nights and starting to feel the sun every day again. Only spring can give you that feeling—that refreshed one that makes you feel like you’re getting a new start.
During the colder months, the sun sets significantly earlier and leaves you feeling like you have no time left in your day. With our packed schedules, the last thing we need is the stress due to lack of time, even if it's just a feeling. However… Spring is when time switches again, allowing for later sunsets and more sunlight to enjoy for longer.
Take a step back, and just think about it. Summer is over within a blink of an eye, and we land back in square one, packing our school bags with miscellaneous pencils we found in some drawer. I say we take the time to appreciate the start of non-freezing temperatures and the supply of vitamin-d we severely lacked for the past few months. And while you’re at it, you should smell some flowers too.
photo by addison covert