Ask Anything: Luke Moyer

photo by sophie confer

Q: How do I tell kids to move faster in the hallway without being rude?

A: Freshman are usually small enough to step over. 

Q: How do you open the milk bottles at lunch? I never can seem to get mine open.

A: The milk bottles use touch sensitive technology, simply squeeze hard enough and they will open.

Q: What do you do when your friend is participating in a dangerous activity, but you don’t want to be a snitch?

A: snitches get stitches… remember that. .

Q: How do you do your hair?

A: I wake up and if it’s good, it’s good. If it’s bad, I wear a beanie.

Q: What is the best strategy to remove toe warts?

A: As Harvard Medical reported, “Although findings have been mixed, anecdotal evidence suggests that this low-risk, low-tech approach may be worth a try. In one study comparing duct tape with cryotherapy, subjects wore duct tape patches over their warts for six days… In this study, duct tape was about 45% more effective than cryotherapy. Two other studies found no benefit, but those studies used clear duct tape rather than the standard silver type, which is stickier and has a different kind of adhesive. Given this limited evidence, if you plan to try duct tape, it makes sense to use the silver kind… Some people apply salicylic acid before covering the wart with duct tape.”

Q: What are your favorite holiday pjs?

A: I prefer to wear no clothes.

Q: What separates humans from animals?

A: Ask your mother.


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