Key Club Ends the Year with a Bang

Key Club members gather around after successfully clearing the roads of trash around St. Joseph, MI.Image provided by Mrs. Lauri Berry

Key Club members gather around after successfully clearing the roads of trash around St. Joseph, MI.

Image provided by Mrs. Lauri Berry

The Key club finished this school year with success. Although they couldn't do as many events as last year, the members were still able to complete important tasks, such as blanket brigades and cleaning up roads, members had faced multiple challenges throughout such as people honking at them while they cleaned the roads.

“Obviously it was really hard for us to get together as a club this year, but something I loved so much was getting to be a delegate for SLC (student leadership convention). Even though it was virtual, I really enjoyed getting to know our new Michigan Key Club Governor and other board members, ” Clara Berry, 9, said.

Blanket brigades are where volunteers make blankets usually for hospital patients or other people that need them. While they were cleaning up the roads some people had honked at them but they still completed the job.

“There’s always a sense of accomplishment when you are able to complete an activity that would better the community, joining Key Club has always given me that feeling, and even though the pandemic made some situations harder and we weren't able to complete as much as previous years I was just happy to be able to participate at all,” Caroline Corning, 10, said.


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