How do CTE classes function while remote?

photo by Leyla Dumke

photo by Leyla Dumke

As Governor Whitmer closed down in-person high schools across Michigan and eventually extended her order until December 21, how classes operate has changed due to now being online. Hands-on classes like the many CTE (Career and Technical Education) classes at St. Joe have made adjustments as well. Teachers of these courses have had to rethink how they conduct their enriching material through Google Meet. 

Mrs. Berry, culinary CTE teacher, explained that “[the] department had to look at those Essential Standards and CTE segments and decide how much time we will devote to each because our... time with students is less... than when we were in-person.” For her classes, she now arranges pick-ups of ingredients for at-home labs, which would have normally been conducted in the classroom, and has students record the skills they are using while cooking at home for assessment.  

“Our class is part of an amazing industry and we need to support each other especially right now, all while staying healthy and safe,” she also said.


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