Extended Winter Break

photo by Lea Douglas

photo by Lea Douglas

Since the news broke that online school will be extended, we must understand what the extension requirements truly mean. Dr. Thomas Bruce, Superintendent of Schools, elaborated our extension of break saying, “winter break extends from December 19 through January 3.” As school is set to begin on January 4, teachers share an unanswered question on if that will happen. “I’m hopeful that we will be back but I cannot say for sure whether that will happen or not,” Mr. Uren, SJHS teacher said. 

According to the Governor, only high schools have to be remote, but remote instruction will be required for grades 6-12 for safety purposes. The good news is attendance at online school has increased by six percent since early November. 

Most students in St. Joe are hoping to go back to school in 2021, but the uncertainty of a safe return continues to linger in each person’s mind.


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