SJHS Faces Rise in COVID Cases
Photo by Lea Douglas
As of March 4 at 11:00am, 45 SJHS students are quarantined, according to the St. Joseph Public Schools District website. This count, however, only covers students who were contact-traced through the school. The number of students who are quarantined due to exposure outside of the school, or self-quarantining, is unknown. The number rose from 1 confirmed COVID case to 6 confirmed within 3 days. SJHS is abiding by the Berrien County Health Department's recommendation of a 10-day quarantine for both infected and exposed students.
In order to be considered an “outbreak school,” 10% of students must be quarantined. SJHS currently sits at 4.68 percent.
“We’re about a third of what we were in the fall,” Mr. Greg Blomgren, SJHS principal, relayed in reference to the closure of the school in November.