October Fashion Spotlight

(top row) With her edgy, pink style, Aaliyah Hill takes on her own unique style inspired simply by being herself. Aaliyah expressed how her style is affected by her mood, music choice, and personality. Her style now is completely different from what her style was six months ago. Aaliyah expresses “it’s very important for me to just be myself” and does her best to show who she is through her self-inspired style.

(bottom row) Inspiring others throughout the St. Joe halls, Malik Immoos expresses who he is through his own style. Based on a thrifted, vintage vibe, he shows his personality through his clothes. “I always have to match,” he says. Malik emphasizes how matching what he wears is imperative to his style choice. Loving to wear his air force ones, Malik matches a majority of his outfits to them, and continues being original to himself. 

photos by leyla dumke


Enhance your style with unknown brands


Quarantine Fashion Spotlight