How to Ask Out Your Wind-U-Date

With Valentine’s Day upon us and the Wind-U-Date released, I figured I’d use this occasion to share some of the best tips to gain your match’s attention and appreciation. After four years of attending SJHS, I’ve heard plenty of relationship stories and am very qualified to be giving the following advice.
1. Catch their attention

In order for your match to like you, they need to know you first: chances are reading your name in the Wind-Up is the first time they’ve heard of you. So, make sure you make a lasting impression. One full proof method is serenading them at school. Whether it’s a song you wrote or a cover, find them at school and belt your heart out. Let your sweet, soothing voice touch their soul and ignite a fire within them. In the most awkward and self-conscious stage of life, what high schooler wouldn’t want everyone’s eyes on them at school?

2. Make your mark

Now that you’ve caught your crush’s eye, you need the memory to stick. Be sure to remind your crush that you’re there for them and you're not going anywhere. Small acts of kindness like giving them a gift every day can help you stand out. Give them a bouquet of flowers or even plant a camera that streams a live feed to your phone in their locker. Furthermore, keep up to date on their whereabouts and activities. There’s no better form of flattery than following their every move—just look to Joe Goldberg for some inspiration.

3. Plan the date

After stalking—er rather devoting time to—your crush, you should be well equipped with knowledge of their likes and dislikes. Use this knowledge to perfect a first date plan. Perhaps a tour of their life events? Nothing’s quite as charming as a relative stranger knowing and reciting copious amounts of your personal information and life details.

4. Pop the big question

It’s finally time. Now that the preparations are done, you’re ready to ask your crush out. Since you started with a grand gesture to gain their attention in the first place, you really need to outdo yourself here. Think promposal meets flash mob meets movie magic moment. Our lunch rooms are conveniently equipped with microphones so take advantage. Don’t slide into their DMs, slide down the railings of the lunch room stairs and into their heart. Be sure to involve the whole cafeteria in your choreography. Even invite Mr. Blomgren and Mr. Guzzo to join! They’ll make your offer impossible to turn down.

5. In case you need more advice here’s some inspiration from other SJHS students:


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