Proposal Submitted to Renovate Orchards Mall
The Orchards Mall, a once lively place, has since emptied out and is now overrun by vandalism and left to rot. However, on May 26, a new updated proposal was submitted to renovate the mall. The details of the proposal are not yet public, but there’s plans to fix the roads while introducing technology that keeps away the seagulls.
“I hope that if the mall renovation is successful that there will be a Barnes and Noble. I also hope that this will bring some money back into that area because I was over there the other day and my friend's tires almost blew out from how bad the roads are,” Gabe Holt, 11, said.
Another student weighed in with their response about what they’d like to see in this new mall.
“I think that the new mall should have more relevant stores closer to us. Maybe like Urban Outfitters, LuluLemon, Nike, and American Eagle because right now we have to drive so far away to go anywhere,” Brooke Hartman, 11, said.
With the addition of new tools to help better the area, the students of SJPS hope that this will be a much more effective plan.
photo by hailey mercado
Seagulls swarm the orchards mall after it was left abandoned.