The Workings of Caffeine
Types of caffeine
1)Natural Caffeine
-Found in a variety of plants–around 60: coffee beans, tea leaves, kola nuts
-Includes a variety of vitamins such as Vitamin B3, and B2
2) Man-made caffeine/synthetic
-Usually in energy drinks, such as Red Bull, and soda
-The body/digestive system absorbs it quicker compared to natural caffeine
-Because it’s absorbed quicker, synthetic caffeine causes the body spike quiker, however also crash quicker
-Synthetic Caffeine’s original form is ammonia, a gas. Then, it is combined with chemicals including methylene chloride, and ethyl acetate in order to change it’s form
How caffeine works
-Once consumed, caffeine is absorbed into the body and disperses throughout the body and brain
-After caffeine enters brain, it blocks adenosine receptors– these regulate different functions including cardiovascular– which promotes wakefulness and, although the brain's chemical levels remain the same, promotes dopamine release
Is caffeine addictive?
-Like other drugs, caffeine alters how the brain functions. Overtime–with regular consumption,–a reliance can be built on the caffeine in order to function properly, mainly due to the release of dopamine it generates.
Negative effects of caffeine
-Over consumption of caffeine can lead to…
Heart palputations
Heightened blood pressure
-Likewise to other drugs, the more you use it, the less it works: a tolerance is built up.
-If an avid caffeine drinker suddenly stops, they will most likely have withdrawals which can include…
Dysphoric mood
Positive effects of caffeine
-Because it is associated with low dopamine levels, avid coffee drinkers have a lower risk of developing Parkinsons Disease
-May lower the risk of stroke and heart disease
-Caffeine can operate as an anti-depressent, because it increases dopamine levels
-Compared to non-coffee-drinkers, avid coffee drinkers have a lower risk of generating type 2 diabetes
-Can prevent gallstones
Percent of Students who drink caffeine