Issue 5 fashion spotlight
photos by sky stockton
Marcus Kaiser, 11, wore his custom sweatshirt– merchandise for his YouTube channel– and a pair of black skinny jeans as a representation of his everyday “casual skateboard style.” Although he doesn’t skateboard, he spends a lot of his time in the summer riding his bike around St. Joe and explained that the skateboarding and biking style is not that different. Marcus likes to look presentable when he comes to school but comfort is also a big factor for his fashion decisions. “I like to be comfortable but I don’t want to look like I just got out of bed,” he said. With his dark jeans, curly hair, and red, 1980s car, Marcus has created a unique persona for himself.
Anna Russel, 12, models her sheer floral blouse, a pair of straight jeans, and pink vans topped off with accessories like rings and her watch. Anna moved to St. Joe at the end of the 2018-2019 school year and before that had lived in California and Sweden. Much of her style is drawn from these other places, especially Sweden. “They’re usually kind of ahead in fashion so when I visit Sweden I get inspiration from that,” she said. Though her style isn’t necessarily consistent, Anna always looks put together. She avoids wearing sweatpants or leggings. “I’m in a better mood and feel better about myself when I like the way I look,” Anna added.