How Old is Too Old to Trick or Treat?

photo by camp daniels

photo by camp daniels

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s officially spooky season, and to celebrate, I’m going to answer one of the most ancient questions: how old is too old to trick-or-treat? Some people say that there’s no age limit to being a Disney princess or superhero, but most kids stop in their mid to late teens.

Trick-or-treating has been a Halloween tradition for over a hundred years, and it’s usually celebrated by kids, teens, and some adults. But, just because it’s Halloween, doesn’t mean I won’t call the cops on a little kid if they’re acting sus… I’ve seen way too many horror movies to not do something about that.

To start investigating my topic, I decided to do what any normal teenager would do: I googled it. I didn’t get a solid answer, so I dug deeper. I went around lunch and asked students if they thought there was an age limit to trick-or-treat. I had a lot of ‘go away’s and ‘please go away’s, but I didn’t give up. I decided to step outside my comfort zone and interview a stranger. I found a random man sitting on the hood of his car and asked if he thought there was an age limit for trick-or-treating. 

“No, I’m actually going this year.” He said. “I have some candy and my costume in my van if you want to come look.” He also mentioned he had puppies and asked if I wanted to pet them. I really did want to, but he said they were at his house… and I had homework to do, so I said no.

I was tired, and I needed answers, so I did the logical thing: interviewed a Halloween expert. “I’m never going to stop trick-or-treating,” said seven year old first grader Oscar McLoughlin. 

Finally, I can sleep knowing that I answered a question puzzling scientists since the beginning of time. The time to stop Trick-or-Treating? Until you physically can’t walk anymore.


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