Proving Santa deniers wrong
graphic by Sam Adkins
Every December, Santa and his elves are hard at work, preparing for Christmas. But as we’ve grown older, our appreciation for their dedication has worn away—even diminished completely. Now, as high schoolers, we are surrounded by Santa deniers.
Before I can denounce Santa deniers and show why their belief is obviously false, I need to address the root of this horrible movement that says Santa is fake. In middle school, we learn the dangers of peer pressure. Programs like D.A.R.E teach us to not let the students around us make us feel like we have to do hard, class A drugs (like vapes), to be cool. Unfortunately, these programs tend to skip over the more important lesson: don’t let peer pressure make you believe in falsehoods.
The dangerous echo chambers causing mass hysteria have existed well before Facebook. Their true origins are the hallways of middle schools and late elementary schools all across America. There, children are brainwashed by their peers to believe Santa isn’t real, and that believing in him isn’t “cool.”
But I’m here to shut that narrative down.
First of all, if Santa isn’t real, who is drinking all the milk and eating all the cookies? Santa deniers may tell you it’s our parents, but accepting that claim with no further explanation is the rhetoric they want you to buy into.
Folklore stretching far into the depths of history has proven that Santa loves milk. Any amount of true, historical research can show that it is obviously put out for Santa.
Additionally, if Santa was fake, why would he be this popular anyway?
It’s obvious that small children are greedy. They love toys more than the oxygen they breathe. So why would millions of parents for hundreds of years all unanimously decide to throw away the free appreciation and affection from their children and give it to some allegedly made-up man?
The answer is they wouldn’t.
Another claim Santa deniers like to present as evidence is that kids of religions who don’t celebrate Christmas don’t get presents. To that, I say, well duh….
Santa understands that the whole world does not share the same beliefs on topics such as religion, materialistic items, and consumerism. He understands that to some families, Christmas isn’t a major holiday they celebrate. To others, he knows that they have more minimalistic values and don’t want a tree full of presents.
The bottom line is Santa is a respectful man and understands that not all families take part in Christmas celebrations. This is the same reason why Santa stops visiting houses where it’s been established they do not believe in him anymore. He sees that individuals have chosen not to, and though it hurts his feelings, he respects it.
That my friends, is some of the top Santa denier claims shut down. Do with this evidence what you please, and have a happy holiday season.