Weezer is the worst band of all time: here’s why

photo by eliot schlaack

Known for iconic hits such as “I’m Your Daddy” and “Can’t Stop Partying”, Weezer is considered one of the greatest rock bands of all time. But I have a bone to pick with them. A little beef with them, per say.

First things first, I was one of the forming members of Weezer, or as it was called, Deezer. I informed them that Deezer was already the name of a music streaming service, and they laughed at me. They kicked me out of the band, and then took my advice. 

Not only did they kick me out of the band, I was also cut from the iconic Blue Album cover. You know, the one with the band standing in front of a horrific blue background? I was originally in the photo, but then they Photoshopped me out and replaced me with a stock photo of a man with a buzz cut. A buzz cut? I’m sorry, but my hair is much better than that, thank you very much.

As well as that, their sound is just horrendous. That little “hip hip” that’s in “Island in the Sun” is detrimental to me and anyone who is unfortunate enough to hear it. And that’s not even their worst song. What about their song “All My Favorite Songs”, in which Rivers Cuomo sings about how his favorite songs are ‘slow and sad’. What a joke. Not even a good joke either.

For a Weezer fan, these statements might seem a bit ludicrous. I asked a couple of Weezer fans at SJHS about my claims. Jack Francis, 11, had a lot to say about my traumatic experiences that came from Weezer.

“I’m not a fan of ‘Island In The Sun’” claimed Jack. 

I questioned him on his authenticity. He told me that he attended a Weezer concert a few summers ago, so I knew there was something up. Perhaps, he didn’t want to admit that I was right and he wasn’t.

“No comment. Do not contact me, ever,” Jack said as he began to run away from me. It seemed once again that my factual claims were too much for him and he was scared as a Weezer fan.

Weezer, one of the most successful bands of the 2000s, is frankly just bad. Not only was I kicked out, but their music is gut-wrenchingly terrible. Island in the Sun? More like Island in the Dump. 


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